A crown is an artificial restoration that fits over the remaining part of a prepared tooth, making it strong and giving it the shape of a natural tooth.

A crown is sometimes known as a ‘cap’. Crowns are an ideal restoration for teeth that have been broken or have been weakened by decay or a very large filling. They can be made of porcelain or metal or gold or a combination of these materials. A dental crown could be used for a number of other reasons, for instance here is some of them:

  • You may have discolored fillings and would like to improve the appearance of the tooth.

  • You may have large cavities where a crown is advised to provide stability and strength.

  • You may have had a root filling which will need a crown to protect it.

  • It may help hold a bridge or denture firmly in place.

  • You have had dental implants which need to be covered by a crown.

Anterior Bonded Crowns

The damaged tooth is prepared. A crown with a metal base and porcelain coating is made. The crown is fixed in place. Under certain lighting, the metal base can sometimes be seen. A metal crown, covered in porcelain, is considered by many as traditional. But in a certain light, this can make the tooth look dull and lifeless and the dark metal margins may show near the gums. An alternative is for the crown to be made of solid porcelain. This will give a more natural look to the tooth.

Posterior Crowns

The tooth is prepared. A crown is made and fitted to the tooth. The new crown needs to be strong enough to withstand the chewing and biting forces. The new crown can be made of porcelain with a metal base or made entirely of porcelain.

Crowns For Specific Treatments

POST CROWNS – Sometimes after a root canal treatment is done, the tooth needs a post to provide stability. So the crown needs to be made over this post separately or fused to the post with proper impressions.


Once an Implant has been placed an abutment is fitted to hold the Crown. The abutment and the base of the crown may be metal. However, in a certain light, this can make the tooth look dull.

An alternative is for the abutment to be made of white material and the Crown made of solid porcelain.

This will give a more natural look to the tooth.


Besides having dental implants, there are two main ways to replace missing teeth. The first is with a removable false tooth or teeth – a partial denture. The second is with a fixed bridge.

A dental bridge is usually used where there are fewer teeth to replace, or when the missing teeth are only on one side of the mouth. Bridges are usually made of a metal base but can be made of white porcelain or zirconia.

You should replace missing teeth for a number of reasons. Your appearance is one reason. Another is that the gap left by a missing tooth can mean greater strain is put on the teeth on either side.

A gap can also mean your ‘bite’ is affected because the teeth next to the space can lean into the gap and alter the way the upper and lower teeth bite together. This can then lead to food getting packed into the gap, which causes both decay and gum disease.

Porcelain Fused To Metal Bridges

Porcelain Fused To Zirconia Bridges (White Bridges)


Today’s crowns and bridges are made of natural-looking composite materials that make them virtually indistinguishable from your natural teeth.
Both dental crowns and bridges will last a good long while, though how long depends on a few factors. Good oral health requires you to brush and floss on a regular basis because oral hygiene should be your number one priority if you want the procedures to last and be effective in the long run.
The newer all porcelain crowns are an esthetic improvement over older, porcelain fused to metal crowns as if the gumline would recede, the older crowns often showed a metal edge to the crown that originally was hidden from view. Since all porcelain crowns have no metal, no markings are evident if the gum line recedes.
If your crowns are worn down or damaged, give us a call so that we can plan replacements. We may need to remove the crown and provide you with a new temporary crown until your new permanent crowns are complete. If you’ve had your crowns for several years, you may be troubled by their aesthetics. Older materials used to create crowns were not as natural-looking and lifelike as today’s modern crowns. Metal crowns and porcelain-fused-to-metal may be a giveaway that you’ve had dental work done, and we completely understand that you want your smile to look its best.
If a tooth that requires root canal therapy discolors, it is an indication that the nerve inside the tooth had died and blood pigments have broken down and been absorbed into the calcified tooth structure. By placing an all ceramic porcelain crown on the tooth, it can restore the tooth to match its neighbors.

Dr. Sachin is an excellent Dentist who’s main priority is to make his patients comfortable

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